
Travel to Numedal

You may travel to Numedal by private car or public transport. In the case of public transport it will be natural to stay overnight in Lampeland or Flesberg. For connections, check the travel planner entur (also available as a mobile app).


Special offers on accommodation apply to participants in Blefjells Beste and their accompanying persons. For details, click the images below.

Access by car to the start/finish area

The start/finish area at Bestebu is in the mountains, connected to Numedal by an 8 km dirt road. It is possible to park along this road, however, the capacity is limited, so one must take into account some walking distance to the start/finish area.

Transport to the start/finish area

On the race day it will be possible to travel by bus from Lampeland and Flesberg in the morning, with return in the afternoon/evening. We recommend that as many as possible are using this option. Transport must be booked and paid beforehand, see more info here: