Frequently asked questions


Updated 09.04.2022

Blefjells Beste gets many questions in messages and e-mails. Maybe you will find the answer to your question below.

What if I cannot participate?

Here the rules for the race are clear: The participant fee is not refunded if something comes in the way so that you cannot participate. Moreover, it is in general not an option to transfer the participation to next year, except in very special situations, as during the pandemic in 2020 and 2021.

Can I sell my participant ticket?

Yes, you can.

To transfer your participation to a different person you will need to change the name and other personal data stored in RaceResult, the entry system used in the race. You have access to do such changes via a link in the e-mail confirming your registration. For 57 and 21 km there is a fee on NOK 150 for changing the name. For 10 and 5 km the name can be changed for free. The price for the participation ticket is a matter between you and the buyer.

How do I change my information?

Your personal data are stored in RaceResult, the entry system used in the race. You can change the data via a link in the e-mail confirming your registration. If your name is misspelled or somehow expressed in an undesireable way, take contact with us and we will correct it. You may alternatively fix it yourself, for a fee of NOK 150.

Can I change to a different distance/contest?

Yes, you can, as long as there is available space and you are satisfying the age requirements for the distance.

If the participant fee is higher for the new distance you will have to pay the prevailing price difference at the date for the change.

To change distance/contest is just a variant of changing your personal information; for details, see above.

How do I book transport to/from the arena on the race day?

In the registration process for the race it is possible to book transport in the morning from  Lampeland/Flesberg to the arena, with return in the afternoon/evening.

One can also book transportation at a later time. The e-mail that confirmed your registration contains a link to your personal data stored in RaceResult, the entry system used in the race. By following that link you may book and pay for transport.

If the weather forcast is good for the race day, do I need to carry all the obligatory equipment?

Yes, you do.

It is essential to prepare for the unexpected, resulting in lower speed or that you will need to stop.